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Foreign exchange (Forex) trading carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. The risk grows as the leverage is higher. Investment objectives, risk appetite and the trader’s level of experience should be carefully weighed before entering the Forex market. There is always a possibility of losing some or all of your initial investment / deposit, so you should not invest money which you cannot afford to lose. The high risk that is involved with currency trading must be known to you. Please ask for advice from an independent financial advisor before entering this market. Any comments made on or on other sites that have received permission to republish the content originating on reflect the opinions of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of any of authorized authors. has not verified the accuracy or basis-in-fact of any claim or statement made by any independent author: Omissions and errors may occur. Any news, analysis, opinion, price quote or any other information contained on and permitted re-published content should be taken as general market commentary. This is by no means investment advice. will not accept liability for any damage, loss, including without limitation to, any profit loss, which may either arise directly or indirectly from use of such information.

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